  digital , brass, 58x6x2in.

digital, brass, 58x6x2in.

  fountain , steel, grapes, 32x24x2in.

fountain, steel, grapes, 32x24x2in.

  fountain , detail

fountain, detail

  handtofootinmouth , compression socks, 18x14x5in.

handtofootinmouth, compression socks, 18x14x5in.

  we all fall down , plastic, cucamelons, 27x6x6in.

we all fall down, plastic, cucamelons, 27x6x6in.

  as above, so below , porcelain, plexiglass, wood, 25x80x25in.

as above, so below, porcelain, plexiglass, wood, 25x80x25in.

  tears , copper pipe, museum gel, dimensions variable

tears, copper pipe, museum gel, dimensions variable

  a walk , porcelain, dimensions variable   

a walk, porcelain, dimensions variable


  a walk , detail

a walk, detail

  ring of fire , cotton, glue, 50 x 50 x 2in.

ring of fire, cotton, glue, 50 x 50 x 2in.

  ring of fire , detail

ring of fire, detail

  strange support , bronze, steel, 58x1x1in.

strange support, bronze, steel, 58x1x1in.

  strange support , detail

strange support, detail

  it moves , string, pebbles, air duct, dimensions variable

it moves, string, pebbles, air duct, dimensions variable

  unstable territory , fiberglass screen, dimensions variable (installed on floor)

unstable territory, fiberglass screen, dimensions variable (installed on floor)

  insomnia , steel, fabric, sand, 17 x 8 x 14in.

insomnia, steel, fabric, sand, 17 x 8 x 14in.

  amplify,  shell, silicone, 5.5 x 4.5 x 3in.

amplify, shell, silicone, 5.5 x 4.5 x 3in.

digital, brass, 58x6x2in.

fountain, steel, grapes, 32x24x2in.

fountain, detail

handtofootinmouth, compression socks, 18x14x5in.

we all fall down, plastic, cucamelons, 27x6x6in.

as above, so below, porcelain, plexiglass, wood, 25x80x25in.

tears, copper pipe, museum gel, dimensions variable

a walk, porcelain, dimensions variable


a walk, detail

ring of fire, cotton, glue, 50 x 50 x 2in.

ring of fire, detail

strange support, bronze, steel, 58x1x1in.

strange support, detail

it moves, string, pebbles, air duct, dimensions variable

unstable territory, fiberglass screen, dimensions variable (installed on floor)

insomnia, steel, fabric, sand, 17 x 8 x 14in.

amplify, shell, silicone, 5.5 x 4.5 x 3in.

  digital , brass, 58x6x2in.
  fountain , steel, grapes, 32x24x2in.
  fountain , detail
  handtofootinmouth , compression socks, 18x14x5in.
  we all fall down , plastic, cucamelons, 27x6x6in.
  as above, so below , porcelain, plexiglass, wood, 25x80x25in.
  tears , copper pipe, museum gel, dimensions variable
  a walk , porcelain, dimensions variable   
  a walk , detail
  ring of fire , cotton, glue, 50 x 50 x 2in.
  ring of fire , detail
  strange support , bronze, steel, 58x1x1in.
  strange support , detail
  it moves , string, pebbles, air duct, dimensions variable
  unstable territory , fiberglass screen, dimensions variable (installed on floor)
  insomnia , steel, fabric, sand, 17 x 8 x 14in.
  amplify,  shell, silicone, 5.5 x 4.5 x 3in.